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What If …

Picture of Jeffery Wiederkher

Jeffery Wiederkher

A collector of records, stories, sins, whisky and words. A hopeless romantic who daydreams too much and writes not enough.

what if...

Once upon a time, I imagined that Pinocchio was a sort of proto-Frankenstein. A man- made mischievous creature that tortures his maker. Similar no? And then after a series of what if’s … “What if Geppetto had a daughter?” and “What if that daughter had a mother that died tragically?” and “What if that daughter was magical or witchy, but also lonely and sad (sad, sad, sad),” and “What if that daughter had a version of her father’s tinkering gift?” and “What if she tried not to be sad?” and “What if somehow she had a record player, and some really cool records and somehow they were in California?”

… and “What if, in lieu of a Fox and a Cat, we had Roaches?”

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