The Beginning
In the beginning there was Godzilla & Dragons, Kiss Meets the Phantom & Kung Fu, and Scooby-Doo.
Early on I had an obsession with fantasy and horror. I was fascinated by my fears and
found inspiration in the creatures brought to life by the likes of Bram Stoker, Mary
Shelley, and HP Lovecraft.
I received an MA in English Literature from San Diego State University and had a great time not completing my PhD at the University of Newcastle.
The Now
As a lifelong journal destroyer and Scooby-Doo fan-fiction fire starter, I found that sharing my work was the most difficult part of writing. However, with tragedy, time, and a few well-placed friends and family members, I found strength in vulnerability. These days, when the internal critic is silenced long enough there are nights without a fire.
My first novel Closer was born from a desire to turn the romantic novel on its head—to play with the notion of happily ever after. It draws inspiration from Shakespearean tragedy, where none of the monsters therein have fangs or tentacles, nor are composed of cadaver parts, yet are horrible all the same.
My current novel Cherry-Rose: Blood & Wishes. Cherry-Rose struggles at home when she finds herself reborn into a world that seems too good to be true, because it is exactly that. When Cherry-Rose leaves home, she finds that the world on the other side of the forest just might be more dangerous than the forest filled with all of its chasing wolves.
Cherry-Rose: Blood & Wishes, a modern coming of age story wrapped in a dark psychological fantasy. Inspired by the grimmest of Grimm and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, it is a tale woven with horrible maker-mother motivations dripping with latent sexuality and not so latent murder and death. A horroresque fairy-tale retelling that turns wishing upon a star into an allegory for when wishes go wrong, for when mothers aren’t who they should be, for when Prince Charming can’t save anyone.