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Picture of Jeffery Wiederkher

Jeffery Wiederkher

A collector of records, stories, sins, whisky and words. A hopeless romantic who daydreams too much and writes not enough.

Closer: Eyes Full of Mirage

Anaïs Nin’s Henry & June served as the primary inspiration for Closer. The work is brave and free in ways that made me want to play with the form. The intention was to take this inspiration and twist up the typical romance-novel form with a dose of Shakesperean-like tragedy. You know … love, and spice, and a little more spice, and a happy ending—but brought to you by Hamlet, or something like that. Where, whatever it is that is rotten in the state of Denmark (or the Californian desert as Closer would have it) has seeped into everyone making us unrecognizable even to ourselves.

For the Harvest Moon: for, this is when we reap what we have sown.

Ardbeg’s Grooves because it is the smokiest of the smoky whiskies. It is sweet and bitter like the first rain after a Southern Californian fire.

Pist Idiots, Idiocracy

The Pist Idiots along with Lupen Crook, The Smith Street Band, The Chats, Verge Collection, A. Swayze & the Ghost, Patti Smith, Iggy Pop, and Sonic Youth were my soundtrack.

See Spotify Playlist, Closer ~ a Soundtrack to a Novel for a full list.

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